Jul 21, 2020 | Amusement, Design, Interview, Knowledge
Debbie Abercrombie With an illustrious design career Debbie Abercrombie draws from both educational knowledge and insightful experience to deliver truly exceptional interior spaces to happy clients throughout the Auckland region. Always busy and excited for the next...
Jul 21, 2020 | Knowledge, Team
How Kovacs progressed through lockdown While our movements were curtailed through the recent months of lockdown we still managed to keep up with the work… If there’s a key thing the earthquakes taught us it’s that the one constant in life is change. Yes, everything...
Sep 20, 2019 | Amusement, Chair, Design, Fabric, Knowledge, Settee
5 pitfalls designers need to avoid… In New Zealand our tastes are evolving, our spaces are changing and artistic trends and production materials are revolutionising design too. Yes, it can be difficult getting the balance just right when designing well- crafted...
Sep 20, 2019 | Design, Knowledge, Settee
Room for reading in Queenstown While it’s all well and good browsing a catalogue or visiting a showroom there’s nothing quite like seeing how a piece fits into a room post-purchase. Our new Sitting Pretty series visits Kovacs furniture out ‘in the wild’. From the...
Nov 12, 2018 | Knowledge, Sticky
We recently welcomed photographer Stephen Goodenough back to our showroom to shoot some new interior scenes. It’s always an enjoyable time putting these shots together, albeit occasionally a challenging one. You’ll see some of the results here and others will be...